an international platform for strategic thinking making and living better cities
design + culture + education + research + action
a+u Architecture and Urbanism November 2021
Special Issue
Infraordinary Tokyo:
The Right to the City
Category: Special Issues
English + Japanese / 176 Pages / 182 x 257 mm / 400 g
This special issue empowers and encourages the reader to choose paths, as if walking through the city, an intellectual dérive. Rather than presenting a book of pictures, its strategy provides a basic, research-driven bibliography to assist the further exploration of ideas. Opening with an introduction by Darko Radović, it goes on to closely examine the multifaceted Tokyo metropolis from an array of perspectives and themes. These include shared housing, public bathhouses, pseudo-public space, urban spectacle, infills and alleyways, graffiti and street art, stacking historical times, hidden poverty, and more. Radović, Kengo Kuma, and Hidenobu Jinnai discuss the city’s urban DNA.
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Future Urban Intensities
Mn’M Workbook 3
Future Urban Intensities
edited by Satoshi Honda
Tokyo: Flick Studio and IKI, pp. 109, ISBN-13: ISBN=9784904894170
Mn'M Workbook 3: Future Urban Intensities brings together a selection of essays which present both the optimism towards the ever-finer measurement and representation of finest qualities of the urban, as well as doubts, which are integrated to provoke, stimulate and deepen further discussions. It summarises some of the emerging ways of thinking, making and living the urban in a rapidly changing the world.
Darko Radović
The book can be purchased, along with all other Mn'M publications, through the publishers www site.
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Intensities Reuse and Creative Milieu
TOKYO | BANGKOK | SINGAPORE Intensities, reuse and creative milieu
by Davisi Boontharm
Tokyo: Flick Studio and IKI, pp. 136, ISBN-13: 978-4-904894-05-7
This book opens up the discussion of creativity in relation to reuse and place making. Here, creativity is not a big word which stirs a hot debate worldwide. The concept of “creative milieu”, as proposed by Landry, fits best the view at the phenomena that the author is interested in. The focus is at urban creativity of a modest kind, a creativity which expresses itself as an attitude to life, a drive, a particular quality. With its special emphasis on reuse of ordinary building stock, this book advocates bottom-up initiatives and asks for reconsideration of latent qualities of ordinary architecture, which is often forgotten or described as banal.
Bangkok: formes du commerce et évolution urbaine
Bangkok, Formes du commerce et évolution urbaine
By Davisi Boontharm
Éditions Recherche/Ipraus, Paris, 384 p. ISBN : 978-2-86222-052-9
Bangkok's commercial activities open up another way of looking at the urban identity and understanding its qualities. It is in fact an introduction to the urbanity of Bangkok that the work of Davisi Boontharm invites us, while delivering essential keys to the understanding of the complex configurations of an Asian metropolis in the age of globalization.
In addition it highlights the ability of commerce to "make the city", through two major properties: producing and qualifying urban forms on the one hand, enriching them on the other hand with a specific urbanity.
Keio Architecture
Year Book 2018-2019
Keio Architecture YEar Book 2018-2019
サイズ B5判/ページ数 183p/高さ 26cm
商品コード 9784864173407
NDC分類 525.1
Cコード C3052
supported by SOGO Shikakugaku
Keio Architecture Yearbook 2018-2019 presents a selection of undergraduate and graduate projects from architecture and urban design studios conducted at Keio University in 2018 and 2019. Keio, the oldest University in Japan, still does not have a dedicated School of Architecture and Urban Design. Its twelve laboratories operating in the fields focusing at production of space are based within multidisciplinary schools which are located at distant campuses - Faculty of Science and Technology at Yagami, and Graduate School of Media and Governance at Shonan Fujisawa. Thus conceived, Keio Architecture functions as an international and collaborative Research, Design-Research and Education Hub, co-organized by participating laboratories, with an overarching aim to advance Architectural and Urban Design at Keio and within its international networks.
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Subjectivities in Investigation of the Urban
The Scream, the Shadow and the Mirror
Subjectivities in Investigation of the Urban
The Scream, the Shadow and the Mirror
edited by Darko Radović
Tokyo: Flick Studio and IKI, pp. 120, ISBN-13: ISBN=9978-4-904894-16-3
This book puts forward a simple but contentions issue - the need for a non-reductive approach to investigations of the urban. It is deliberately polemological. It aims - in the tradition of michel de Certeau - to "force theory to recognise its own limits".
The book can be purchased, along with all other Mn'M publications, through the publishers www site.
Eco-Urbainity: towards well-mannered built environments
Eco-Urbanity: towards well-mannered built environments
Edited by Darko Radović
Routledge , 272 p. ISBN : 978-0415472784
Carefully outlining paths towards better, sustainable ways of urban living, this book proposes a radical change in the ways we conceive and live our urban environments.
Bringing together diverse cultural and disciplinary views on urban sustainability,eighteen leading academics and practitioners in sustainable architecture and urbanism explore global concerns of sustainability and urbanity.
This broad range of issues are clearly articulated and linked to concrete places and projects, merging research and cutting-edge design investigations to promote environmentally and culturally sensitive urban futures.
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In the Search of Urban Quality: 100 Maps of Kuhonbutsugawa Street, Jiyugaoka
In the Search of Urban Quality: 100 Maps of Kuhonbutsugawa Street, Jiyugaoka
edited by Darko Radović and Davisi Boontharm
Tokyo: Flick Studio and IKI, pp. 136, ISBN-13: ISBN=978-4-904894-19-4
This book presents material compiled for one of the case studies conducted within Measuring the non-Measurable – Mn’M research project (keio University, 2011-14). It brings together a number of maps (and other, various ways of linking data to representations of territory) of one particular place in Tokyo - the precinct of Jiyūgaoka and, more precisely, only one of its streets, Kuhonbutsugawa Ryokudô. The focus on one small location in the largest city in the world is a message in itself.
The book can be purchased, along with all other Mn'M publications, through the publishers www site.
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Post-Souvenir City
Mediterranean Urban Intensity And New Tourism Practices in Alicante
Post-Souvenir City
Mediterranean Urban Intensity And New Tourism Practices in Alicante
edited by Jorge Almazan
Tokyo: Flick Studio and IKI, pp. 128, ISBN-13: ISBN=978-4-904894-15-6
The book can be purchased, along with all other Mn'M publications, through the publishers www site.
Harajuku: Urban Stage-se Q&A
Harajuku Urban Stage-Set Q&A by Davisi Boontharm
Printed in Japan by Ichii Chobu and flick Studio with Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo, March 2008, Tokyo,64 p.
ISBN-10: 0415432804
Harajuku is arguably one of the most exciting and vibrant fashion precincts of Tokyo. Through a series of questions and Answers, Harajuku Urban Stage-Set captures urban character of the precinct and the complexity of that unique place. Besides introducing Harajuku, the book also presents an approach towards understanding of urban complexity which combines the rigousous analysis with intuition, brings together conclusive statement and number of open-ended speculations.