Verticality|Connectivity|Life, co-organised and chaired by the co+re founders Darko Radović and Davisi Boontharm, and Professor Neno Kezić of the University of Split, continues the tradition of annual international urban and architectural design workshops which were regularly conducted in and around the city of Split – from the inaugural Split Case in 2011, via Anatomy of Islands Workshops at islands of Vis and Lastovo (2012-18), to Reopeningthe Split Case (2019), where we have introduced the co+re “top-heavy” workshopping concept. That format ensures an efficient kick-off of intense exercises, involving a seasoned team of collaborating institutions, teams and individuals, keen to challenge boundaries between teaching and learning.
The Coronavirus pandemic has taught us to be flexible. The preparations for The Klis Case were based on co+re principle not to give in, but to build in the mechanisms which will enable the delivery of contents that is best at the given moment. Consequently, the 2020 co+re Workshop aims to, besides by now well-established and known quality of its architectural and urban design educational and research outcomes, take positive attitude towards the new condition and advance ways of collaboration at an (enforced) distance, to bring in and advance international experiences and useful practices which all of the participants have acquired since the start of the pandemic. The 2020 Workshop also decidedly moves towards the explicit emphasis on interdisciplinarity, in response to the key strengths of the key organising partners - Keio, Meiji and Split Universities.
The participants in co+re workshop The Klis Case 2020 are coming from four continents, with students from seven universities in Asia, Australia, Europe and South America: the City of Klis Team, Mayor Jakov Vetma, Ivan Vetma; Ivan Aiduk; + students and mentors from: University of Split; Neno Kezić + local experts + Keio University, Tokyo; Darko Radović, Rafael Balboa, co+labo; Mita Akira + Politecnico di Milano, Gabriele Masera + University of Ljubljana; Tadej Glažar, Alenka Fikfak + Meiji University, Tokyo, Davisi Boontharm dbStudio + King Mongkut University, Bangkok, Chanyaporn Bstiler + Universidad de las Américas, Quito, Ana Medina + Ray Lucas, Manchester Metropolitan University + Bratislav Gaković, Belgrade + Milica Muminović, Univ. of Canberra + Sidh Sintusingha, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia.
The Klis Case Workshop 2020 is supported by the Municipality of Klis, which suggested the preliminary list of sites at Klis Kosa stone quarry and the Markezina Greda cliff, making sure that they provide not only educational and research benefits, but also contributes to development to the visions for better future of this energetic and aspirational community. Topographically demanding, the sites of Klis provide an arena for innovative coordination of planning, territorialism, urbanism, urban and architectural design, civil and other engineering, and their creative and inspirational synthesis.